The Burdock Story / ゴボウの話

牛蒡 ゴバウ

The Burdock Story

Burdock originates from northern Eurasia. Japanese people have been involved with burdock for a long time, and it came to Japan as a medicinal herb used for detoxification, antifebrile and cough suppressant. Japan is the only country in the world where burdock has been cultivated as a vegetable for a long time and consumed on a daily basis. Its unique flavour and crunchy texture are indispensable to Kyoto cuisine. Burdock is a strong part of Kyoto’s culinary culture in its food offerings, festivals and rituals, highlighting the traces of an agricultural culture that pre-dates rice cultivation.

Of particular note among burdock’s nutritional components is its dietary fibre. Burdocks are rich in the soluble fibre inulin and the insoluble fibres cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. These fibres are very beneficial for constipation, as they promote the free movement of the bowels. These fibres are also said to be effective in preventing colorectal cancer as they absorb carcinogens and other harmful substances in the bowel when they are excreted without being digested and absorbed. Recent research reports have shown that lignin, a dietary fibre, has antibacterial properties and is effective in inhibiting cancer cell development. It also contains high levels of polyphenols, which are expected to have anti-ageing effects.

The first mention of burdock in Japanese literature is found in the Chinese-Japanese character book Shin-Sen-Ji Kagami (Newly Selected Character Mirror), which was established in the Shōtai period (898-901) during the Heian period (794-1185). The word ‘kita-kisu’ is an ancient name for burdock root. In Japan’s first practical recipe collection, Ryouri Monogatari (1643), the cooking method for burdock is described as ‘Soup. A hemono. Nimono. Mochi. Kau no mono. Chaguhashi. Other colours.’ It is a versatile ingredient for side dishes. Burdock is in season from late autumn to early winter. Burdocks at this time of year have an even stronger flavour. Because of its long, thin roots in the ground, burdock is indispensable in osechi dishes as an ingredient that brings good luck, as it is said to ‘give you perseverance and strengthen the foundations of your house’. Its unique flavour makes it a particularly good partner for gibier.



