“Cake Salé” with Kyoto vegetables
The most distinctive feature of Kyoto cuisine is the star of the show, the Kyoto vegetables. How about a Gâteau Invisible (Cake Salé) full of umami from these vegetables?
Just add a dash of “Spirituel de l’Est” to your vegetables like brandy to give them a taste of Kyoto-style cooking. Breakfast, Brunch, with Drinks… in all sorts of situations. It can also be used as an accompaniment to meat or fish dishes to create a dish with excellent nutritional balance.
「スピリチュアル / Spirituel de l‘Est 」をブランデーのように適量加えるだけで、お手元の野菜でも京料理のような滋味深い味わいが楽しめます。朝食やブランチ、お酒のおともに・・・様々なシーンで。肉料理や魚料理の付け合わせにも、栄養バランスに優れた一皿が出来上がります。